Tuesday, December 8, 2009


  • Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable - side by side and their similarity are shown through comparison.
  • Two objects or word next to each other.

Metaphors are comparisons that show how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in one important way. Metaphors are a way to describe something. Authors use them to make their writing more interesting or entertaining.

example using metaphor

I am a sword,
Sharper than a tongue,
Nobody can defeat me,

Because I am a sword,

I cannot be hurt by what people say about me,
I will not show my anger against

someone else.



A simile is a figure of speech that says that one thing is like another different thing. We can use similes to make descriptions more emphatic or vivid. We often use the words as...as and like with similes.

example using simile

" It's been a hard day's night,
and i've been working like a dog "
(The Beatles)


For this class we have to choose three numbers between 00-99.
I choose number 19,47,56.

There is a word for each number.
The combination of my number as below:-
  • 19 - Flower & Rain
  • 47 - Light & Tree
  • 56 - Fire & spider
From the combination, we have to make a sentence using the words.

19-Flower & Rain

"The flower wet because of the rain."

47-Light & Tree
"There is a light behind the tree."

56 - Fire & spider
"The fire burning the spider."


At last, we have to combine both objects.

Flower + Rain

Light + Tree

Fire + Spider