Wednesday, December 9, 2009


1) Describe LOVE using CHILI

It takes a chili to make it spicy,
It has to be some spicy to make it yummy,

Love is like a spicy yummy chili,

We have to taste the spicy that make us sweaty...

...then we will get the yummy.

2) Describe PAIN using ICE CREAM

When I wake up, pain chooses the colors ...
Like an ice cream, pain comes in many different flavors.

sad, frustration, despairing, making us cheerless
but in the end..
by choosing the right flavor,

the taste of the sweetness will covers..

3) Describe LIFE using CANDLE

Life is like candle,
Sacrifice itself to light up the darkness,
If we want to get a wonderful life,
We have to sacrifice our self to go out from the darkness.

4) Describe LOVE using COFFEE

Love is like coffee,
Behind the bitterness,
There is a sweetness.