Thursday, December 24, 2009


Add Video

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Presentation video

This is our video for our presentation. Hope everyone will like it. It is a simple video but it's not easy to make it a great success.

We are using associated Mind Mapping to get this this idea. So this is our focus mind map which is our final mind map.

Design Concept: See Things in different ways.

  • Thanks to all the group members for making this project success.
  • Also Thanks to our lecturer, Mr Radzi and Mr Halim.
  • Specially thanks to Nuyul for the voice over and Shira for coloring.
  • Thanks everyone for helping and supporting us for making this video a great success.

Last but not least, just enjoy watching our video. :)

Friday, December 18, 2009


Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word/Images to provoke a reaction from the brain.

TASK : Create a Scary Image
1. Mustache
2. Eyes
3. Tusk
4. Tale

Association :-

Mustache - show that they are fierce
In practise what might this mean?
Most of the fierce people and dangerous animal got mustache

Eyes - Cat eyes ; glow in the dark
In practise what might this mean?
strong eye contact especially when they staring at you


Tusk - show that they loves meat and blood
In practise what might this mean?
they are dangerous and could kill their enemies

Tale - show that they are not a human
In practise what might this mean?
Tale can be a symbolic of Satan

scary image created by me:-
Kucing + Pocong = Kucong / Pocing

*** I'm not good in hand writing and drawing. So i use Photoshop to express my idea

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


1) Describe LOVE using CHILI

It takes a chili to make it spicy,
It has to be some spicy to make it yummy,

Love is like a spicy yummy chili,

We have to taste the spicy that make us sweaty...

...then we will get the yummy.

2) Describe PAIN using ICE CREAM

When I wake up, pain chooses the colors ...
Like an ice cream, pain comes in many different flavors.

sad, frustration, despairing, making us cheerless
but in the end..
by choosing the right flavor,

the taste of the sweetness will covers..

3) Describe LIFE using CANDLE

Life is like candle,
Sacrifice itself to light up the darkness,
If we want to get a wonderful life,
We have to sacrifice our self to go out from the darkness.

4) Describe LOVE using COFFEE

Love is like coffee,
Behind the bitterness,
There is a sweetness.


We have to choose two animals from the picture above and merge the animals but it must be impossible for the animals to survive even for a second.

I choose to merge GOAT and FISH
i am not really good at drawing so i do it using Photoshop

  1. Fish cannot survive without water.
  2. Goat cannot stay under water and they don't even like water or getting wet.
  3. But the fact is goat can swim..
Here is a video from youtube to prove that goat actually can swim..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


  • Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable - side by side and their similarity are shown through comparison.
  • Two objects or word next to each other.

Metaphors are comparisons that show how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in one important way. Metaphors are a way to describe something. Authors use them to make their writing more interesting or entertaining.

example using metaphor

I am a sword,
Sharper than a tongue,
Nobody can defeat me,

Because I am a sword,

I cannot be hurt by what people say about me,
I will not show my anger against

someone else.



A simile is a figure of speech that says that one thing is like another different thing. We can use similes to make descriptions more emphatic or vivid. We often use the words and like with similes.

example using simile

" It's been a hard day's night,
and i've been working like a dog "
(The Beatles)


For this class we have to choose three numbers between 00-99.
I choose number 19,47,56.

There is a word for each number.
The combination of my number as below:-
  • 19 - Flower & Rain
  • 47 - Light & Tree
  • 56 - Fire & spider
From the combination, we have to make a sentence using the words.

19-Flower & Rain

"The flower wet because of the rain."

47-Light & Tree
"There is a light behind the tree."

56 - Fire & spider
"The fire burning the spider."


At last, we have to combine both objects.

Flower + Rain

Light + Tree

Fire + Spider


A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making and writing.

And its consist of two types of mind map:-

-Connected to the subject.
Example of Logical Mind Map

- Get away from the subjects
Example of Associated Mind Map


TASK : We have to create the purpose of Mortar & pestle by using the theme that given in the class. At last i come out with this new product.

1. THEME: Weapon
-It is similar like Bruce Lee's weapon. Hold the pestle then swing hardly to your opponent.

2. THEME : Sound
- make it as percussion

3. THEME : Car
-Pestle : use as gear stick.
-Mortar : use as horn button.

***Credited to Nur Shashaqin for helping me to draw all of this ideas.